My MacsMAD Experience: Sadik

An Introduction To Me

Hi, my name is Sadik. I like to read a lot of manga, some of my favourite series are Berserk, Demon Slayer and Sailor Moon. When I’m not reading I like to write my own stories as well. When I get stressed I like to go out and just take a long walk to think things through. 

I found out about the MacsMAD course through one of their Job Centre visits. Alice, Amy and Rosie came to promote the course and try to recruit people so my job coach introduced me. 

My First Day

My induction took place in the old practice kitchen in Hockley. It was quite a big group for an induction, there were 3 other people besides me but 2 of them ended up dropping off of the course later on. We had to wear chef’s whites and hair nets as if we were in the main kitchen which got me ready for the standards I’d have to conform to. All of us had a go at making shortbread and it turned out surprisingly well, very sweet and tasty. I was pretty nervous at first but Amy made me feel a lot more comfortable, she was really friendly and inviting. 

I was a lot more nervous when it came to my first day on the course. There was a lot of pressure when it came to work experience because I was around people who were so much more experienced than me. The tasks looked seriously intimidating at the time but Melissa really helped me. She only ever gave me tasks she knew I could do, even if I wasn’t so sure at the time, and she always made sure to explain everything clearly and in a way I could understand. I got quite close with the other people on my course which made me a lot more comfortable going forward.

How I Felt

There were certain things that I took quite well to and found myself excelling at. Things like matching the macaron shells or packing up orders were really fun and I just clicked with them. It took a bit of time for me to get into the swing of things but once I did, I felt really happy just working through my tasks. 

There was a lot I struggled with though. A big challenge for me was communication. I found it hard to properly convey my thoughts to others which is something I’m still working on today, but I’m in a much better place than I was before. Keeping things organised was a little hard for me too. If someone were to ask me to get a specific flavour from the freezer I’d be totally lost. Working as part of a team was something I got a lot better at in time, even with my struggles communicating I made a lot of progress. 

What I Have Learned 

I’ve learned quite a lot about food production as a whole, the sort of things that go on behind the scenes. There’s so much hard work that goes into making food that I just never realised before and it’s given me a bigger appreciation for those working in the food industry. The MacsMAD programme has really boosted both my confidence and resilience, and made me much more organised. 

I’m a lot better at keeping to a set schedule now which has helped me in my personal life as well as my professional life. Before the MacsMAD programme I had a lot of trouble keeping to a good sleep schedule, I’d often stay up until the early hours of the morning and not wake up until late in the day. 

What I Want From The Future

Currently I’m still on my Kickstart placement at Miss Macaroon but I plan to go back into education sometime in the near future. I’d like to go to University for Health and Social Care and pursue a career as a radiologist.

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