MacsMAD Retail Course

Our retail programme has a strong focus on customer service and communication. Alongside general work skills, we look at how to make a customer’s experience outstanding, why this is important to businesses and employees, and most importantly where they can take these skills in the future. Whereas many retail organisations don’t offer formal and thorough training, these skills being often learnt through experience, our course is unique as it offers both.

Although we don’t have a retail course planned for the upcoming months, these are examples of activities we would provide:

  • Field mission

This activity allows our trainees to talk to other people who work in customer-facing jobs, and not just the retail staff at Miss Macaroon. It allows the trainees to gain more knowledge about what good customer service is, what working in other organisations is like and also gives them the confidence to ask for advice.


  • Product knowledge testing

Our trainees will get to test all of Miss Macaroon’s flavours, and be asked to form their own opinions of the products. This will allow the trainees to learn how to describe products in a positive way, recommending suitable products depending on the customer’s taste and also being able to contribute ideas for new flavours.


  • Budget calculator

We introduce a way to help trainees to realise their financial goals in a realistic way, and creating a plan to save and develop. Money management is an important life skill and further motivates trainees to find employment by associating money with their life goals. Although we introduce the aims and the method of working out a budget, the trainees complete this activity at home in their spare time which encourages independent working.


For further information about our MacsMAD course, or if you’re an organisation interested in working with us to achieve our social mission, please contact Sabrina at or at 07539 842381.


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