Winning an award is not about the winning. No, this is not a cliché intro that will lead to the inevitable ‘it’s taking part that matters’. What winning an award means to us is; an organisation or board of judges objectively, with no agenda, states ‘you are excellent at what you do and we acknowledge that.’ Given we are a social enterprise it is even more important than most organisations that we are reaching for excellence, after all excellence is what will sell and enables us to make a difference through the training and jobs we provide to unemployed young people from deprived wards of Birmingham.
The Asian awards were held at the Dallas Burston Polo Club and the venue and event were spectacular. Attending was an honour, winning is even better especially given the calibre of the attendees, where the 2016 Asian Rich List was launched. The Young entrepreneur award was no mean feat to win, the hard work that has gone into creating a business that is successful enough to create jobs, and earn enough to fund training for the marginalised is an extra pressure. When our corporate customers buy our ethical branded macaroon gifts they help us to change the world one macaroon at a time. And this award will help us to get our message out to potential clients and supporters.
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